'The Walking Stick'

'The Walking Stick'
The WALKING STICK - It also doubles as a bike stand


"Have you heard the one about the International Mountain Leader who cannot walk?"

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Outer Hebrides Tour, or not!

Unwanted Challenges:

Whether a half hour pootle will be a sufficient indicator of my ability to complete a week long cycle tour on the Isle of Skye and the Outer Hebrides is in some doubt but as I'm due to depart tomorrow morning I have little other choice, except to cancel as I thought inevitable until yesterday.

The reason for this all too familiar dilemma is the return of my old adversary although his company is never far away.  2 weeks ago doing a 10 mile time trial for which I was probably ill prepared I pulled my lower back and the resulting 'acute episode' has had me struggling since. Add to that a painful Hip Flexor strain brought about by doing exercises to try to help my back and the possibility of going ahead with the tour seemed unlikely.

So, with less than 24 hours before a 'possible' departure I sit here in my dressing gown looking at very dark clouds and bending trees wondering if I dare cock my leg over my bike, not easy with a hip flexor strain.  I think I'm more concerned that the short test ride will go well as then I will be tempted to proceed with the trip and may well end up stranded somewhere in the Hebridean wilderness with an embarrassing injury and an expensive early return home. 

I haven't given a thought to packing yet so I'll need to do that as well as shopping for supplies and revisiting my route plan which I've neglected as I thought the trip was off.I'd better ditch the dressing gown and get a wriggle on!


  1. Decisions ......You could always do SOME of it !! Slowly slowly catch the monkey ...only you know how your body is . Good luck whatever you decide but dsefinitely get outta that dressing gown !!!!

  2. I got out of the dressing gown Steve, did 6 miles OK so it's a goer. The schedule is more or less fixed so I can't go too easy although I didn't plan to beast myself anyway. Made that mistake last year!

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